
Johnson & Johnson vaccine rollout in Sudan announced

American vaccine jabs start next Sunday

The health authorities in Sudan have set next Sunday as the launch date for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine throughout Sudan.

Khartoum: AlTaghyeer

The health authorities in Sudan have officially included the Johnson & Johnson vaccine into its list of authorized vaccines.

The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is an American-made, a single dose vaccine for immunization against the COVID-19 virus.

The Director of the Immunization Department at the Ministry of Health, Dr. Ismail Al-Adani, affirmed that all vaccines entering Sudan are effective, safe, and approved by the World Health Organization and are subject to approval and audit by the Sudanese Medicines and Poisons Board.

In a related context, he stressed the importance of taking the two doses of the same vaccine and not confusing the vaccines.

It is reported that the second campaign of vaccination will begin with teachers working in the Sudanese certificate examination correction centers.

Rumors associated with Corona vaccines led to a reduction in the vaccination rates, reaching 1% in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, according to official statements released by the Ministry of Health.

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