Hamdok reveals plan for current political crisis in Sudan
Informed sources revealed to AlTaghyeer that the Sudanese Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok has put in place a plan to form a mini committee that includes two representatives from both sides of the government, to help reach an understanding of the current political crisis in Sudan
Khartoum: AlTaghyeer
Earlier today, the Council of Ministers held an urgent meeting to discuss the political crisis in Sudan after a demonstration took place on Saturday that called for the removal of the current civilian government and replacing it with a military run government.
The protestors who were able to surround the republican palace attempted to make their way towards the Council of Ministers’ headquarters in Khartoum.
According to informed sources, the police were then ordered to fire tear gas canisters towards the protestors to halt their progress towards the headquarters, which they had been reportedly planning on storming.
Police sources also revealed to AlTaghyeer that the army had issued an order to remove cement barriers placed in front of the council’s headquarters in the hours preceding Saturday’s demonstration.
A number of bodies representing various professionals in Sudan released statements affirming their presence in a march that is meant to take place on the 21st of October.
The march is meant to be a rebuttal to Saturday’s demonstration, and is meant to display solidarity with the civilian government and call for upholding the constitutional document and finalizing the country’s democratic transition.