Journalists Syndicate : Withholding information about the political negotiations violates right to have access to information
A statement issued by the Sudanese Journalists Syndicate considers withholding information related to developments in the country from the public a breach of the ethics and principles that govern discussion of public issues.
Khartoum: Altaghyeer
The Syndicate has condemned decision by coalition of the Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC), Central Council, to hold back from the public information about the on going negotiations related to the Political Process.
The trade union warned that blocking information from the public would create an environment conducive for spreading false news and rumors in a country struggling to achieve transition to democracy.
The FFC coalition has earlier complained from what it described as a cyber campaign loaded with disinformation and false news aiming at harming the Political Process.
The coalition said that it is politically and morally tied by an agrerment among signatories and non-signatories to the political Framework Agreement not to make any statements concerning details of the negotiations.
The coalition reiterated that it will provide the media with full details and facts at the right time.
But the journalists syndicate refused to accept this argument, reminding the coalition that such decision is violating one of the basic human right principles and is putting under threat the country’s transition to democracy.