Sudan: 266 acute watery diarrheas in Al-Gezira State
The total number of suspected cases of acute watery diarrhea (cholera) in Gezira State is put at 454, October 9 – November 2nd.
Wad Madani: Altaghyeer
Out of the 454 suspected cases of acute watery diarrhea in Gezira State, central Sudan, 266 cases have been proven positive, according to a report by the State’s health authorities on Friday.
The report, which covers the period October 9-November 2nd, explained that the cases include 11 deaths, against 425 recoveries.
The State reported 155 suspected cases of dengue, 131 positive cases and two deaths, during October 18-31.
The Federal Ministry for Health reported 1,617 suspected cases of acute watery diarrhea including 64 death cases.
The cases were registered in four States; Gadarif (744), Khartoum (256), Gazira (217) and South Kordofan (400).
The Ministry said the total dengue cases in the country reached 3,414 including 38 deaths.
The fever was reported in nine States, compared to 13, last year. Gadarif was the state hit most by dengue (2,231).