Sudan: RSF collaborator sentenced to death
A court in Al-Gadarif State of east Sudan, which is competent to hear cases of RSF’s violations, issued similar sentence on March against another man accused of affiliating to the RSF.
Al-Gadarif: Altaghyeer
The East Gedaref Criminal Court in east Sudan on Thursday sentenced A.A.A to death by hanging on charges of cooperating with the Rapid Support Forces (RSF).
The sentence was issued in accordance with Articles 51-65 of the Criminal Law of 1991 related to provoking war against the state, cooperating with and participating in criminal and terrorist organizations and groups.
According to the Sudan News Agency the convict was found guilty after the 2nd Infantry Division’s Intelligence Service in Al-Gadarif State detected contacts between him and some of the RSF’s members and he acknowledged committing the offence.
The court, which is competent to hear cases of RSF’s violations, issued similar sentence on March against another man accused of affiliating to the RSF.