Al Tagyheer is a Sudanese electronic newspaper, which published its inaugural issue on May 3rd, 2013, World Press Freedom Day. Al- Taghyeer Electronic newspaper was published during an incredibly repressive period in the history of the Sudanese press. As the conditions of repression and systematic subordination of the press by security forces continues to increase, many independent journalists have shift towards the electronic press. This shift also represents a creative mechanism by Sudanese journalists to publish independent views and information on the human rights and political situation in the country in a climate of intense censorship and other restrictions on the freedom of expression, including harassment and intimidation of journalists and editors, including in some instances criminal charges, and confiscations of newspapers and closure of publications. The experience of Al- Taghyeer Electronic newspaper comes within this framework.

The objective of this newspaper is to build a resurgence within Sudanese society that holistically addresses, promotes, and protects human values and is committed to the respect of human rights and women’s rights as set forth in international charters and conventions, particularly the Universal Declaration of Human Rights). The articles published by the paper are designed to encourage democracy, tolerance, openness towards different cultures, good governance and its core fundamentals, transparency, accountability, rule of law, and social justice. On this basis, we seek to build a federal democratic state that respects religious pluralism, ethnic and cultural diversity and promotes and protects national unity through a historic reconciliation schema that includes recognition of contemporary and past grievances within the Sudanese state and initiating a genuine process of transitional justice. .

From this starting point, the newspaper will strongly and positively interact with many of the current issues of Sudan, including, but not limited to, the political crisis, challenges regarding democratic change, civil conflicts and their consequences, the economic crisis and poverty throughout the country, education and health issues, and the relationship with South Sudan and debates regarding nationality and identity. A priority of the project will also be to address matters concerning civil society and the protection of civil and political rights. We seek to expose corruption and address sensitive social and cultural  topics such as racism and its implications and religious extremism.

  • Each newspaper will include an editorial piece within every issue that discusses and analyzes the main story or the most pressing topic in the Sudanese , regional or international arena in light of the vision of the newspaper mentioned above.
  • Conducting quality interviews and investigative pieces on various political, economic, and social issues.  
  • Attracting progressive pro-democracy opinion writers who also reflect and represent diversity within Sudanese society.

From this vision, the newspaper seeks to contribute as much as it can in the development of a new national project that brings peace and national unity to Sudan from new grounds; the most important of these is frank criticism of practices that have led to civil conflicts and disintegration of the state and to support the progress of revolutionary change. Some of its most important components are justice, democracy, balanced development, federalism, coexistence and celebrating diversity.      

Editorial Policy

Based on the principle of freedom of the press in accord with international covenants, this newspaper adopts an editorial policy that is open to all opinions, ideas and trends according to the following guidelines:

  • Respect for human rights as defined in international conventions. The newspaper on no account will allow the publication of material that contains racial abuse, incitement of violence, or the spread of religious, ethnic or sectarian hatred. The newspaper will not tolerate any form of discrimination on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, disability, age, and religion.
  • Commitment to credibility and professionalism.
  • Avoidance of personal attacks and abuse of individual and family privacy.
  • Abstinence from inappropriate language.
  • Opinions published in the newspaper reflect those of the authors, and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the newspaper as outlined in the introduction above.
  • When publishing items or photographs of rape or torture victims, prisoners of war, accused persons in cases under investigation, prisoners, or witnesses in critical cases, the face must be covered for protection and privacy.
  • Avoidance of publishing images that offend the public taste.
  • All articles or information re-published must be clearly cited.